Nova Fusion

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Intuition: The Sixth Sense

Intuition is a self-developed trait of awareness that serves as your personalized compass to life.

We've all experienced those intrinsic gut feeling flashes of suddenly acquiring knowledge with an affirmative belief toward something. You don't quite understand why you feel this way, but you know the feeling to be true.

Similar to the original five senses, intuition is instinctive and free-flowing. It's not something that is forced but rather spontaneously engaged with through daily actions.

These sudden moments of enlightenment contain knowledge from within and stem from universal consciousness.

This quantum phenomenon exists because thoughts create reality.

When you create an intention or affirm beliefs, you're sending your vibrational energy out into the universe. Energy transfers through electrons as light photons to communicate with one another and match frequencies. As possibilities match your frequency, synchronistic events occur that pull you closer to your intention.

“We are what we think.

All that we are arises with our thoughts.

With our thoughts, we make our world."

— Gautama Buddha

I've created a process that assists in connecting with intuition through The Nine Embodiments of Self: self-worth, mindset, spirituality, health, impact, family, tribe, work, and money.

Utilize this exercise to identify who you want to become and establish the intention of becoming that person. When you commit to an intention, you're essentially activating your signature waves in the cosmic pond. Intuition interacts with future quantum possibilities that match your intentional frequency and ripple them back your way as opportunities. Once you've established a clear intention of who you want to become, you just have to trust in your intuition as opportunities arise.

Allow your internal compass to guide you into your future.

The main idea is to visualize wholeness and fulfill voids for each embodiment while pinpointing what's explicitly holding you back.

If you want to truly understand yourself, ask difficult questions to shed light on the origins of your fears and insecurities. With a clear understanding of yourself and desires, you can create the life you've always wanted by exploiting intention!

For example:

Self-worth: Choose to love and accept yourself genuinely and embrace your true self.

Mindset: Reflect on the person you could be if you learn to see the glass half full and cultivate a growth mindset by learning from each mistake.

Faith: Visualize yourself spiritually connected with eternal guidance, love, and support.

Health: Picture yourself in 100% remission, physically, in the best shape of your life, and in the purest state of mind.

Impact: Envision you've made a positive impact on the environment and those around you, in turn, shifting change in society and culture for the better.

Family: See yourself in the love of your life, a happy marriage with the desired number of children, and healthy relationships with relatives.

Tribe: Know that you have genuine friendships that push you to become your best and accept the real you.

Work: Be grateful for your experiences and knowledge to get paid to pursue your passions.

Money: Imagine all your financial obligations have been extinguished, and you are financially free to live life as you desire.

Everything you touch turns to gold, and everything you visualize becomes reality.

Put to action

The changes have occurred, what would you do right now in the immediate future?

How would your day to day life look?

What would you pursue?

What’s currently holding you back?

Please take a moment to run through this exercise on your own and answer the following questions. For assistance, utilize The Four I's to allocate your time on tasks that pertain to your improvement and achieve goals that align with the real you.

Once again, intuition is a self-developed trait, and there are many ways to strengthen its connection, such as meditation, expanding your knowledge, exploring new things, and being in nature. However, the most effective way to connect with your intuition is to do what you love!

When you're in a natural flow-like state, you're immersed in the present moment. There's no past or future on your mind, only what's right in front of you. Finding your flow and cultivating strong self-awareness allows you to tune into your intuition and stay in the present moment.

It's vital to become self-aware and follow your intuition because that's your true self. If you're not listening to your intuition, you're listening to self-doubt, fear, or criticism, which holds you back.

Connecting with your intuition requires patience, and it's best to play the long game. Remember to maintain confidence throughout all the highs and lows. Every situation is a learning opportunity, always guiding you one step closer to your future. There are certain things you can't get advice on because only you know what's best for you.

When in doubt, trust in yourself, and allow your intuition to guide you.

It's all part of the process!
